
SmithCorp Training

SmithCorp training paddleboarding

The Bushido Performance Academy is the in-house training and development academy for SmithCorp that provides the performance programmes to ensure business results.

The philosophy of the SmithCorp business is that it relies entirely on the growth and development of its own in-house talent. Hence for this to occur it is essential for the business to provide the best training and development programmes for all staff.

Every consultant, leader, manager and director at SmithCorp has persevered, progressed and been deservedly promoted to a further position of responsibility.

Our philosophy is simple – ‘Why employ a manager from ‘outside’ when it has been you that has done all the work to set up the business and the team?’

Read the success stories of Our People

Our Approach

What is evident from reading our people’s success stories is that there is a clear training and development pathway for all people and levels within the company.

We believe that for your career to be rewarding you must feel pride in working to the best of your ability and to consistently perform and deliver to a high standard. Being able to perform in this way requires excellent training and development.

The BUSHIDO training and development framework is a unique and progressive pathway that has three key elements to ensure success – the training is relevant, it is interactive and engaging and there is in-built accountability to ensure learning, change and results.

SmithCorp Bushido Training
SmithCorp training team

Another aspect that is aligned to our organic growth is that many of our people are the actual trainers and facilitators of BUSHIDO. We have our own home-grown team of experienced trainers, facilitators and coaches who have come up through the business – they know the job, they do the job, and now train others in the job.

It is important to us that each learner enjoys their training, their work and gets the best returns from their own business.

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